Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Surviving Finals

         Hello Again, it's me!

                  So everyone who has reached the 8th grade knows about finals. They can be stressful and confusing all wrapped up in one. It's not much of a choice, though. I'm sure that if they gave you a choice between doing it and not, mostly everyone would say no. I'm actually supposed to be studying right now... oops :)  It's ok, I have 10 minutes. AAAAAnyway, I've come up with some thoughts about how to survive this time of torture... Enjoy! :)

1.  Notes, Notes, Notes.  
       Whatever you do, take notes. whether the teacher gives them to you, or you're stuck writing it yourself. It definitely helps. If you want to be even more prepared, read through your notes every night after you take them, so that you're prepared.

2.The Work.

      Save all of your class work. That can also majorly help you. Instead of throwing it away right after it's graded, save it. Class work is like free notes, and the best part is that you don't have to worry about if you took them or not.

3. zzzz  zzzzz

     yes, sleep does help.  I barely get enough sleep as it is, I know.  at least half an hour earlier won't kill you. Teenagers are supposed to get about 10 hours of sleep, and obviously that's not happening. If you go to bed just a little earlier, you can count on a better score. 

4. Reading Aloud.

I do this all the time. Reading my notes or book aloud. It helps me get it stuck in my mind. It works, though.

5. The Internet.( dun dun dunnnnn)

Ok, as scary as it may seem, home work can also be a job of the internet. You can get tons of help. My favorite websites for help or studying are:


6. Music.

Ok Ok. Studying to music isn't for everyone, but it helps me concentrate.  I love listening to Disney music. Don't Judge.

7.  Somewhere comfy.

Even though I have a desk, I don't always use it. I like studying in my bean bag chair, on my bed, or even on the floor.

8. A yummy snack.

Skip the potato chips and the Hershey's bar. Go for fruits and veggies. You can find a bunch of yummy snacks on Pinterest. If you want to go simple, choose a banana or Greek Yogurt with fruit. Granola bars are good, too.

9. comfy clothes.

I think that pretty much every girl comes home from school and changes into something absolutely comfy. Even if I'm just wearing jeans, I have to change. I love my sweat shirts, sweat pants, and leggings.

10. My environment.

Ok, I don't think anyone can study in front of a t.v. screen with your sister constantly asking you to play. Go somewhere quiet (of course, you can turn up the tunes, if you feel like it) like your bedroom. I love my bedroom. Open up the blinds on your window, or even just some nice lights. Trust me, the environment matters.

And those are my top ten tips for surviving finals. I hope you enjoyed. If you can think of any other things that help YOU study for finals, I'd be glad to hear them. Just post it in the comments below. Another thing, please share my blog with your friends, cousins, mom's aunt's cousin's uncle's dad's daughter, anyone. I would love to have new followers to the blog.  Talk to you next week.

Love, Maddie <3

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